The podcast that equips smart, high-achieving women with the skills and tools they need to feel calm, balanced, and connected so they can ACTUALLY enjoy the life they work so hard to create.
15. How All-Or-Nothing Thinking Is Holding You Back
Find out why you engage in all-or-nothing thinking, and learn a cool practice to help you make better decisions, feel more connected to others, and work through challenges in your life, family, and work.
14. Blame: The Hidden Obstacle Holding You Back
Blaming someone or something is often our default during challenging situations, and it can seem justifiable in the moment. But jumping straight to blame feels terrible, and it doesn't get us anywhere. So, what can we do about it?
13. How to Quieten Your Inner Critic and Show Yourself Compassion
You might think it's productive or ambitious to speak to yourself like trash when you make a mistake, but it’s actually perpetuating burnout, overwhelm, and shame. Treating yourself terribly feels… well… terrible, but ambition doesn't have to feel terrible. If you're ready to stop kicking your own ass, this episode is for you.
12. The Importance of Accepting Your Flaws
For women with ambitious goals in high-achieving environments, our perceived flaws are liabilities. We think of our flaws as signs of weakness, incompetence, and inadequacy. But once you understand the importance of admitting and accepting your flaws, you can start showing up with more resilience and less self-criticism.
11. 4 Ways To Feel Better After Bad News
Receiving hard news is part of being human. Whether it's not getting a promotion, losing a big client, getting a diagnosis, or getting served divorce papers, difficult days touch all of us. But how we react to bad news has the ability to shape our entire experience of it. So we're sharing four practical ways to make bad news feel a whole lot better.
10. Default Thinking Patterns: What You NEED to Know
Do you ever wonder why you do what you do, seemingly on autopilot? Maybe you’re sick of feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and frazzled, but don’t know how to stop. Perhaps the idea of putting yourself first for once is laughable. What does your default thinking have to do with your experience of life, and what can you do to spark change?
9. How To Get out of Survival Mode
Survival mode. The smart, driven, high-achieving women we work with know all about it. From panic attacks to chronic pain, there might be a range of signs your body is stuck in survival mode, and science tells us that being in a constant state of survival prevents you from resting, recovering, and relaxing. So how do you get out of it?
8. One Simple Tool To Create More Time in Your Life
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you’re only taking shallow breaths, going to bed thinking about every task you didn’t complete, waking up worrying about everything you have to do, with no idea how you’re going to get it all done? It’s exhausting, but this is a common experience for Ambitious-ish women. Fortunately, there's a solution.
7. Alignment: Living the Life You Really Want
Have you ever made a decision in your life based on someone else’s expectations, knowing deep down it wasn’t really what you wanted? Maybe you thought you wanted one thing and then got it, only to realize it wasn’t actually what you wanted at all. Living out a list of shoulds like this is a recipe for resentment, regret, and misalignment.
6. Stop Ignoring Your Anger: Try This Instead
Growing up, we were taught it makes everyone else’s life easier if we keep our feelings to ourselves. But now that you’re an adult, what is the cost of shelving your big emotions? And how could emotional intelligence and actually feeling your emotions become your superpower? Listen in to discover the true cost of ignoring your emotions.
5. Self-Awareness: The Secret to Changing Your Life
How do you get out of your own way and change your experience of life? Self-awareness is the key. That may sound basic, but while it’s a simple concept, the reality of actually practicing self-awareness is something everyone struggles with. Trust us… when you can bring more focus and intentionality to your life, you live with purpose, on purpose.
4. 5 Burnout Alarm Bells You Need To Know
Burnout stops us from having the balance, energy, and self-confidence we need to navigate this world. So, what can you do to address your burnout before it’s too late and you go into a full-blown crash?
3. How to Ask Questions That Change Everything
You’ve heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a stupid question…” before, you may have even said it yourself. Well, while there might not be any stupid questions, there are certainly questions that aren’t useful. Tune in to discover the most useful question you can ask yourself, and how asking this question gives you empowering, clear answers.
2. Rushing: Is There Any Upside?
Discover why you think you should be rushing, and how this is actually sending your brain into survival mode. We discuss how rushing is limiting your ability to be creative, keeping you in a cycle of overdoing and feeling overwhelmed, and you’ll learn how to build some spaciousness into your day, setting you up for more confidence, ease, and luxury.
1. Ambitious-ish: A Different Kind of Success
If you’re ambitious, but you’re also burned out, overwhelmed, and stressed more often than you’d like, you’re not alone. In this first episode, we’re introducing Ambitious-ish and diving into how we help smart, driven women stop grinding and start living. You want to feel as good as your life looks, and it starts right here.
Introducing Ambitious-ish: Success Without Burnout for Smart, Driven Women
Would you like to redefine success in a way that lights you up, and pursue goals that are not just impressive but meaningful? Each week, we’ll share practical tips, tools, and strategies to help you feel more empowered, think on purpose, and follow through on the things you know will help you live a happier, healthier life.